Tranzzlation is a Black transwoman-led grassroots Organization invested in the advancement of all Queer and trans folk, specifically those that are BIPOC Trans identifying.
Tranzzlation is a Black transwoman-led grassroots Organization invested in the advancement of all Queer and trans folk, specifically those that are BIPOC Trans identifying. We serve and mobilize communities in order to heal our collective soil from the poisons of our past and present, so our future roses can thrive. Through community engagement, education, and therapeutic services around the disparities those of marginalized backgrounds face.

"It is not our differences that divide us. It is our inability to recognize, accept, and celebrate those differences."
Tranzzlation envisions a world that not only affirms but is safe for trans folk and where they can be and find love. Tranzzlation seeks to provide programs that develop skills and self-sufficiency for the wider BIPOC Trans community.
Of course, trans women find joy and pleasure in our lives and accomplish incredible things. We have always been very resilient — but our resilience doesn’t mean that our lives are ever ​“easy.”
― Gwen Benaway

Tranzzlation is an organization that values community engagement, education, and representation for BIPOC Trans folk.

Our ancestry and our traditions have been stolen from many of us, yet our bond persists. As we continue the work we’ve inherited, we are resolved to create a better future for our unborn generations.